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The LIFE Anthropofens project is fully part of European, national and local policies and strategies in favour of biodiversity.
The actions undertaken as part of the programme are deployed in 13 Natura 2000 sites and will thus directly contribute to the "Habitats Directive" of 1992, as well as the European strategy for biodiversity for 2020, especially goal 1 "to fully implement the Birds and Habitats Directives" and goal 2 "to preserve and reestablish ecosystems and their services".

By working closely with the Natura 2000 network, the LIFE Anthropofens project will act in line with the Documents of Objectives for the 13 sites selected for the programme. The exceptional funding involved in this type of project provides extra means to restore sites and a support for the work already completed by the people managing the different sites.

The European Habitats Directive aims to preserve biodiversity in the European Union by protecting natural habitats, fauna and plants.

It gave rise to the "Natura 2000" network, the biggest ecological network in the world. Natura 2000 includes Special Areas of Conservation which are listed by EU countries in line with this directive. Natura 2000 also includes Special Protection Areas as listed in the "Birds" directive (directive 2009/147/CE).

Each Natura 2000 site has a Document of Objectives (DOCOB) including an inventory of the area concerned and the issues found there, the conservation goals for the habitats and species highlighted in the "Habitats" Directive and the measures and actions to achieve them.

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The LIFE Anthropofens project will also have a positive impact on water management and flood prevention, two major social themes that each been the subject of European directives: the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive.

Restoring the water system in fens helps to maintain their role in delaying floods in catchment.

As regards flooding caused by rising underground waters, which are present in many valleys in the Parisian basin, peatland, when well preserved, can hold back part of the flow of water from water tables below the peat layers.


The Water Framework Directive (2000) is a European directive setting out the rules to halt the deterioration of bodies of water in the European Union (EU) and to achieve a "sound state" for rivers, lakes and groundwater in Europe by 2015.

In particular, the aim is to :

  • protect all forms of water (surface*, underground*, interior* and transition* waters)
  • restore ecosystems within and around water bodies
  • reduce pollution in water bodies
  • guarantee a sustainable use of water by consumers and companies

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The European directive 2007/60/CE, known as the "Floods Directive", sets out the general framework within which European Union member states organise their flood-risk management policies with the aim of reducing the negative consequences for human health, economic activity, the environment and cultural heritage.

In Wallonia, the Floods Directive has been included in the Water Code. It requires its members to draw up a Flood Risk Management Plan (FRMP) for each hydrographic district (Escaut, Meuse, Rhine, Seine) by 22 December 2015. These plans were studied during a public enquiry in early 2015 and approved by the Walloon government on 10 March 2016.

It was implemented in France in the law on the national commitment to the environment dated 13 July 2010 and in the decree N°2011-227 of 2 March 2011, dealing with the assesment and management of flood risks.

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In France, the LIFE Anthropofens programmes will also match the orientation and approaches relating to preserving wetlands in the General Plans for Countryside Planning and Water Management in the Artois-Picardie and Seine-Normandie basins.

The General Plans for Countryside Planning and Water Management (SDAGE in French) are planning documents for the water sector. They set out, for a period of six years and for each large water basin :

  • the main guidelines to guarantee water management, so that wetland areas are preserved and the needs of the various water users are met
  • the goals to be attained in terms of quality and quantity for waterways, bodies of water, groundwater, estuaries and coastal areas
  • the measures required to prevent deterioration and ensure to improvement of water areas.

They are also adapted to the Water Framework Directive (WFD).

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